Ps4 Remote Play Android Apk 1.4.0 Terbaru 2016

Download PS4 Remote Play Android APK 1.4.0 Terbaru 2016 - Apa kabar mitra pada kesempatan kali ini aku akan mengembangkan sebuah info mengenai aplikasi android terbaru yaitu PS4 Remote Play For Android yang lagi heboh, dan aplikasi ini sudah update sehingga keluar dengan tampilan yang baru,aplikasi ini aneka macam pembaharuan fitur, Fitur gres yang dikeluarkan sebelumnya oleh Sony yakni fitur yang disebut Remote Play. Fitur ini yakni alat dimana anda sanggup bermain PS4 memakai smartphone Xperia. Makara Anda sanggup menghubungkan PS4 dengan perangkat Xperia dan Anda sanggup bermain di Xperia Anda.

Untuk sanggup menikmati bermain PS4 Remote Play Anda harus memakai jaringan WiFi yang menyediakan jaringan kecepatan cepat. Tentu saja dengan kecepatan koneksi yang lebih tinggi, permainan akan menjadi lebih halus dan tidak lag. Sony juga menyediakan controller atau DualShock 4, sehingga Anda sanggup memainkannya dengan mudah. Penggunaan rumah jaringan Wi-Fi Anda dianjurkan. Penggunaan jaringan Wi-Fi publik tidak dianjurkan. jadi jika teman-teman tertarik dengan aplikasi ini sanggup eksklusif download dan install di android kalian masing-masing ya kawan.

Description : PS4 Remote Play Android APK has been overhauled so you can download and introduce the most recent form 1.4.0 for your cell phone. PS4 prominence keeps on expanding because of the nearness of a few elements that make gamers more agreeable for long gaming. The new element which is issued prior by Sony is a component called Remote Play. This element is an apparatus where you can play PS4 utilizing Xperia cell phone. So you can associate the PS4 with Xperia gadget and you can play on your Xperia. 

The Remote Play highlight for Xperia is really very little distinctive with the application in the PS Vita. Clients just move the presentation from screen to the cell phone, while all the amusement procedures is as yet running on PS4. The most effective method to utilize is simple. You simply require Remote Play application, and a WiFi switch to do matching procedure between the Xperia with PS4. The prescribed greatest separation amongst PS4 and your cell phone is around 10 meters, with a note, there is very little obstruction. 

To have the capacity to appreciate play PS4 with the Remote Play you need to utilize WiFi system which gives quick speed system. Obviously with the higher association speeds, the diversion will be smoother and not slack. Sony likewise gives a controller or DualShock 4, so you can play it effectively. Utilization of your home Wi-Fi system is prescribed. Utilization of open Wi-Fi systems is not suggested.

Features of PS4 Remote Play Android 1.4.0 APK for Android :
  • Supported Xperia smartphone and tablet
  • Use of this feature requires a PS4 system, DUALSHOCK 4 wireless controller, Sony Entertainment Network account and high-speed Internet connection.

Screenshots :

PS4 Remote Play Android APK 1.4.0 Latest Version :
  • Stability during use of some features has been improved.

Apps Information :
  • DEVELOPER:PlayStation Mobile Inc.
  • VERSION:1.4.0
  • REQUIREMENT:4.4 and up
  • PRICE:Free

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